Trump vindicated! Massive voter fraud found in Fulton County, Ga., including evidence of duplicate voting and pristine, unfolded “mail-in” ballots

We have long maintained that only a fool who wants to lose a lot of money would ever bet against Donald Trump, no matter how ‘crazy’ something he says may sound to you at first.

That’s because the man is always right. Not sometimes right, always right.

He was right about the Obama regime spying on him. He was right that fired FBI Director Jim Comey was dirty. He was right that the ‘Russian dossier’ was fake. He was proven right when he said he never offered Ukraine a “quid pro quo.” He was right when he said he never said there were “good people on both sides” of a deadly encounter between neo-Nazis and Antifa in Charlottesville, Va.

And he’s been proven right about his claims that there was massive voter fraud in the 2020 election — in Georgia, anyway, a state he is certain he won.

The Epoch Times reports:

A group seeking to ensure that elections are run fairly said this week that an in-depth analysis of mail-in ballot images obtained through a court order shows that the hand-count audit in Fulton CountyGeorgia, last year “was riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.”

The analysis turned up at least 36 batches of mail-in ballots, containing 4,255 votes, that were added redundantly to the audit results, according to Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VoterGA). Nearly 3,400 were for Democrat Joe Biden.

“We believe that there is massive audit errors,” Garland Favorito, founder of the group, said in a press conference in Georgia.

Specifically, the audit team found seven ballot audit tally sheets they say were fabricated to depict phony vote totals. In one example, a batch that contained 59 ballot images for ‘President’ Joe Biden and 42 for ‘former’ President Donald Trump was reported officially as 100 votes for Biden and none at all for Trump.

“The analysis revealed that 923 (60 percent) of the 1,539 mail-in ballot batch files contained votes that were incorrectly reported in the county’s official 2020 election result, compared to the audit totals, VoterGA said,” according to The Epoch Times.

In a press conference where the findings were announced, Favorito said he believes that elected officials in Fulton County have known about the fabrications “for a long, long time” but that they “covered it up.”

Meanwhile, Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.), who is mounting a challenge to GOP Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, the official who recorded Trump during a phone call in December and then turned it over to The Washington Post, said that Raffensperger needs to step aside.

“In Fulton County, there is now undeniable proof of voter irregularity if not outright voter fraud,” he said, pointing to VoterGA’s evidence.

But it gets better. Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported on the findings during his Wednesday show, adding more context to what’s going on in Fulton County.

To kick off the segment, he noted that there was a strange incident at a warehouse in the county in May where more than 140,000 absentee ballots from the 2020 election cycle were being stored. He said the sheriff’s deputies and private security personnel guarding it were called away from the building for some reason. Mind you, the building was double-locked and there were laser-motion sensors located inside the building.

When the security personnel and deputies returned, the 100-pound door was standing wide open. And while it’s not clear if anything was taken or replaced, Carlson observed: “We do know that a lot of people might have had reason to try and get inside the warehouse. Depending on who you ask, the building contains evidence that either confirms or refutes the claim that voter fraud affected the outcome of the election in the state of Georgia.”

USA Features News reported that Trump responded to the news of fraud coming out of the Peach State.

“The news coming out of Georgia is beyond incredible,” Trump said. “The hand recount in Fulton County was a total fraud! They stuffed the ballot box—and got caught. We will lose our Country if this is allowed to stand!”

Americans, if you still think that Trump was wrong about there being widespread vote fraud in the last election, you shouldn’t.

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